Meet the Artist: Mavi Blue • Volume

Written by: Shay Coulson | Photo(s) by: @thedivineexperience

Meet the Artist: Mavi Blue

“Music is both my greatest love and my greatest heartbreak,” says local singer and songwriter Mavi Blue. There’s something profoundly refreshing about engaging with an artist whose connection to music is rooted in the simple joy of it in itself. Rebellious in nature and soulful in delivery, meet our next Volume Lounge artist, Mavi Blue.

Originally from Idaho Falls, Mavi Blue found her place in Salt Lake City after living a nomadic lifestyle. Her experiences, from busking with her ukulele in her hometown to yodeling in underground clubs in London, have shaped her musical journey. Her love for music, however, started much earlier. “As a kid, I would put my ear against my dad’s guitar. That’s where the spark of love began,” she recalls. Mavi Blue also reflects on her time spent in Turkey and the unexpected challenges she faced. “I wanted to give love to that younger version of myself and to the people there,” she explains, which is how the name Mavi, meaning blue in Turkish, came to be. It wasn’t until she returned to the states that she took her music to the next level.

Poetry fuels Blue’s lyrical fire, shaping her approach to songwriting. “I’m inspired by new experiences, travel, nature, mountains, rivers, love, and heartbreak. Mostly heartbreak,” she shares. Her heartfelt lyrics beautifully blend her connection to nature with emotional catharsis, reminding us that we are never truly alone. You can expect Mavi Blue‘s highly anticipated debut album to release this summer!

Experience Mavi Blue live at Volume Lounge on Thursday, April 11th from 9-11PM at Varley. Grab drinks and dinner and bring the whole crew for a cozy and intimate show with free entry!

What Mavi Blue is listening to: